SAP Tech News for December 2019 - Training, Partnership - Safe O'Clock

SAP Tech News for December 2019 – Training, Partnership

January 15, 2020

The new SAP training solution with 2,000 courses is finally available

SAP’s new enterprise edition of the SAP Litmos Training Content solution finally came to light. This contains over 2,000 courses including video or downloadable ones. 150 of the proposed courses are designed especially for customer-experience professionals.

In the latest edition, SAP’s learning portfolio is extended to customer-facing professionals with the help of Salesforce solutions. Users will be able both to learn the latest news about the products and services and acquire skills right on the go. 

According to SAP Customer Experience Senior Vice President and Chief Revenue Officer Paula Hansen, “companies running Salesforce solutions can now provide role-specific training to their employees in sales, service or marketing while giving them the flexibility to consume training at their own convenience. Learners may need to switch between devices working from the office or home, and the portable format allows them to do just that.”

SAP and project44 collaboration is to change the transportation management processes 

 SAP has announced a partnership with project44®, a world leader in advanced visibility for shippers and logistics providers. The new collaboration is created to change the management of the delivery process and help clients not to spend extra resources.

The two organizations are going to create a new solution for the most important parts of transportation processes, like, for example, receiving. 

The solution will connect, automate and provide visibility data within SAP Logistics Business Network and help shippers to deliver better customer experiences.

Shippers often struggle with little transparency across their logistics ecosystem due to volatile market conditions and siloed operations, which makes everything from staffing operations to keeping stock on shelves more difficult. We want to provide shippers with access to real-time information that pinpoints their shipments’ location at all times and provides dynamic, predictive delivery ETAs. This information will improve shippers’ real-time decisions, to run more proactive, data-driven supply chains.

Franz Hero, senior vice president, Supply Chain Development, SAP

SAP and Minsait  hotels to better their customers’ experience 

SAP in collaboration with digital transformation consultancy Minsait, a division of Indra, finally integrated Minsait’s Onesait Hospitality suite into the travel accelerator for the SAP Commerce Cloud solution. This was meant to enable hotel chains to improve their guests’ experience with the help of new products and services that are currently available in mobile, social or website commerce systems.

Minsait Onesait Hospitality suite is based on SAP S/4HANA connecting a hotel chain with business networks, the Internet of Things, Big Data and clients. With the help of SAP’s travel accelerator, hotels can manage their front- and back-office operations and bringing all the necessary information together. 

Tourists today want to conveniently reserve their hotel rooms and often look to enhance their stays with concert tickets or dinner reservations available with just a few finger taps on the screen of a mobile device or computer on one system. With Minsait’s hospitality solution integrated into our commerce cloud solution, hoteliers can now offer this and improve their profit margin, while putting themselves in charge of the guest throughout the buying journey.

SAP Senior Vice President Matthias Goehler, head of Customer Experience Industry Solutions
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