SAP Tech News for June 2019 - Safe O'Clock

SAP Tech News for June 2019

July 4, 2019

SAP Innovation Awards reveals how to fight against giant hogweed

Within the context of the SAP Innovation Awards held for the 6th time this year, individuals and companies from the four corners of the earth were being recognized for their inventive use of SAP products. 

There were 233 submissions from 37 various countries in total. One of the most rivalrous categories was “Process Innovator” awarded to Itelligence. The organization has been developing SAP software for over 25 years. Their presentation touched the use of drones and image recognition software for detecting an invasive plant species called the giant hogweed. The dangerous plant makes the skin sensitive to light, which causes painful blisters. Currently, it is quite difficult to control its growth as it spreads quickly, and scanning acres of land manually is time-consuming and laborious. 

The Itelligence project decided to collaborate with the Danish drone company ProDrone and developed algorithm processes taught to recognize copious hogweed. As a result, the system learned to detect weeds automatically based on aerial photographs of the landscape. Besides winning in this category, two other Itelligence projects were included in the list of finalists for the SAP Innovation Awards.

SAP Vietnam is to support the country’s digital economy

SAP’s business in Vietnam is rapidly developing, and SAP Vietnam Managing Director Josephin Galla talks about the professional experience of her sales team.

The capital of Vietnam is a home of over 8 million people, who make Hanoi a vibrant lively place with a lot of motion. SAP Vietnam creates the same impression. Based in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Galla with her sales team was remarkably successful last year. Galla feels like the business is “on a growth trajectory, particularly when it comes to the cloud business.” 

“Vietnamese business culture is based on fundamental trust that you have to earn. When we talk about success, we’re not just referring to our own numbers,” explains Galla. SAP customer TH Group has 12 companies with more than 12,000 people in Vietnam and beyond. One of Vietnam’s SAP clients is TH true MILK, part of TH Group and one of the country’s largest milk producers. The organization implemented SAP SuccessFactors solutions for human resources last year. After the implementation of SAP software, the company managed to cut employee turnover in half, which is crucial for TH true MILK in the battle on the local market. As a result, the organization now has more time to spend on the strategic development of its employees. 

During his first official visit to Vietnam in September, Bill McDermott, CEO of SAP SE, visited Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, who expressed his government’s intention of developing a digital economy.

McDermott’s visit was very important for the Vietnamese market, says SAP sales manager Viet Nguyen. This means that C-level executives at Vietnamese companies become more confident in the SAP brand.

Advancing contract conversion with SAP S/4HANA

According to the 2019 Q1 Statement of SAP, S/4HANA adoption rose to over 10,900 customers, which is 30% more than a year before. That is not to deny that more and more organizations start to understand that digital transformation can be much easier and approachable.

It is not a big deal if a company belongs to a non-SAP technology or converts from an existing SAP Business Suite: SAP S/4HANA lets companies redesign their business processes and reassess contracts. Industry experts are always in search of another both cost-effective and practical business tools.

Among the things that are to be discussed at this point are the following: products that will be valuable to an organization in the future, the type of licenses to keep,  technology to acquire to be digitally enabled and so on. After that, there is the next question: “Where do we begin?”

First of all, you have to choose which suits your business demands. Below are just a few of the kinds of products that have exceptional potential, such as  SAP S/4 Hana, ECC Products, or SAP Cloud Products. 

If you choose SAP S/4HANA, you can decide on a license that fits your company’s needs, be it for professional use, functional use or productive use. You also have to be well aware of the License Utilization Information Application (LUI). 

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