Part 2 of SAP implementation mistakes - Safe O'Clock

Part 2 of SAP implementation mistakes

June 23, 2022

So, the process of implementing SAP systems in practice is often associated with a number of errors. We discussed some of them in the last part – they were primarily related to the problems of insufficient planning before the actual implementation of the system or that occur at the very beginning of the implementation. Today we will discuss the errors that most often occur already in the process of implementing SAP systems. 

Do you have a plan B?

Of course, we all hope for the best for us, but, perhaps, everyone understands that not everything can go the way they wanted – and then there should be a backup plan in reserve. A common mistake is when during the implementation process people are not prepared for delays and other deviations from the plan, which leads to missed deadlines, chaos and stagnation. Banal planning of what to do in case of delays or any other unforeseen situations will help to avoid such a mistake.

Not using all the potential 

Another mistake is made by people who also tend to throw away the instructions for new appliances before they start using them. And this is not to get acquainted with all the functions of the SAP system. Let this error not lead to critical consequences, but it will clearly prevent you from using all the functions of the system that you have implemented.

Insufficient informing of employees

Be prepared that the implementation of the SAP system will affect all employees. A big mistake is made by companies that do not provide the team with sufficient information about innovations in the company, which, as a result, makes it difficult for the entire team to work. In order for employees to adapt to changes as quickly as possible, be sure to inform everyone in advance and give everyone access to information about how to work with the new system. Keep in mind that some will need help and time to get used to the new features of the system.

Neglect of system updates

Aside from not having a plan B, it’s also a big mistake when people don’t pay enough attention to scheduling system upgrades. Making such mistakes can lead to weakening the security of the system and making it difficult to work. Like any other software, SAP systems need monitoring and maintenance, so if you want to implement a SAP system, be prepared to check for timely updates.

Lack of testing

Releasing your system to freedom and not controlling it is not the best solution. Although this is the mistake many people make. Despite the fact that the SAP system has been tested by a large number of developers and other specialists, it is not as autonomous as it might seem. To make sure your system is running at peak performance, you need to run regular tests to make sure everything is working as it should. So, after you have read about the most popular SAP system implementation mistakes, we hope that your experience with SAP products will be easier and simpler.

Now that you have read both collections of the most common SAP system user mistakes, we hope that your experience with SAP products will become more pleasant and easier.

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